Any facility that stores extremely hazardous substances or hazardous chemicals at their facility in excess of the threshold planning quantity may be subject to the reporting requirements under the federal and state Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act.EHS chemical are those listed in 40 CFR part 355.A complete listing of EHS Chemicals can be found at http://yosemite.epa.gov/oswer/ceppoweb.nsf/content/tier2.htm#t2resources in the Title III Consolidated List of List.Hazardous chemicals are defined as chemicals that are not extremely hazardous and which a facility is required to have and maintain a material safety data sheet for that chemical under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Exceeding the threshold planning quantity is determined by measuring the maximum quantity of a chemical on a facility site at any one time.If the TPQ is exceeded then the chemical must be reported.For extremely hazardous substances, the TPQ is chemical specific and is listed in the Title III Consolidated List of List referenced above.For hazardous chemicals, the TPQ is set at 10,000 pounds.
In accordance to SARA Title III and the Kansas Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, notification must be submitted annually by March 1.In Kansas, reporting must be completed on the Kansas Tier II report.Blank copies of the Kansas Tier II can be downloaded from our site at http://www.kdhe.state.ks.us/asbestos/download.html. Tier II reports are to besubmitted to KDHE, the county Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC) in which the facility resides, and the local fire department that would respond to an incident at the facility.KDHE prefers the use of our Tier II Web Page however KDHE will accept a hard copy reports.LEPC’s and fire departments will accept hard copies of the Kansas Tier II, however some counties may have web applications or some other reporting.A listing of the LEPC can be found at http://accesskansas.org/kdem/ A listing of LEPC’s that have Web Applications can be found at.Information on may be obtained from the facilities LEPC.